What is B2B market research?

What is B2B market research, and how does it differ from standard market research? Put simply, B2B market research helps you answer highly focused questions about your business. And to do this you need highly specific participants who may not be so easy to find using traditional methods of recruitment. 

Enter Acumen’s B2B and Social Research team, with the skills and experience to find hard-to-reach participants for your B2B market research project. If you’re still wondering ‘what is B2B market research?’ our guide gives the full picture and explains we can help.


Why B2B market research?

With B2B market research you may be looking for insights from would-be customers of your product or service, or lost customers who’ve gone over to competitors. You could be trying to find people who do particular roles in other businesses like yours. 

Or you could be after insights from high net-worth individuals who normally don’t engage with research, or influencers who are associated with particular lifestyles and brands.

Acumen’s B2B and Social Research service has been set up to cater for market research that calls on the expertise of fieldworkers to find hard-to-reach participants. If you’d like to discuss your B2B market research with us, call 0161 234 9940 or email costings@acumenfieldwork.com


B2B research participants

When people ask ‘what is B2B market research?’ they should focus on the participants and recruitment. That’s what really sets B2B market research apart.

Because B2B market research calls for niche participants, Acumen’s new B2B and Social Research team fill a gap in traditional recruitment. Our database of 150,000 research participants and established social media presence give us a strong starting point for any type of research fieldwork. 

Acumen are leaders in research fieldwork in the UK, with international reach. We’ve won industry awards for our work and pride ourselves on our close attention to briefs and thoughtful collaboration with clients. 

B2B research calls for market researchers to go the extra mile with recruitment, and this is where we stand out.

We were recently commissioned to recruit people with a personal wealth of over £100m for B2B research. Individuals like this can be hard to find and harder to recruit for research, but the experience of our team enabled them to engage even these most hard-to-reach participants.

Businesses also turn to us to find people working in very specific roles for their research. For example, we are often asked to look for people who have decision-making responsibility over purchases and company investments. Fleet managers working for a major supermarket chain fit this criteria perfectly, and we have established ties in this area.


How B2B market research works

As with any market research, it all begins with the brief. You can come to us with a fully formed brief for your research. Or talk to us about outcomes you’d like to achieve and we can help you define the brief and advise on how to achieve it.

The first part will be information gathering, and you may decide on quantitative research or qualitative research using our hard-to-reach participants. 

Next comes the analysis, another area where Acumen excels. Our data analysts work alongside our fieldworkers, and the collaboration between these two disciplines shines through in the insights we deliver. 

Find out more about our full team at Acumen here.


B2B quantitative research

Quantitative market research is all about the numbers and data. For B2B research it is often delivered via surveys or more in-depth methods like user testing, exit interviews and hall tests.

We have specialists devoted to quantitative market research. Their knowledge of the field informs the work that our B2B and Social Research team delivers. 


Qualitative research for businesses

If you’re using highly specific individuals for your B2B research, the likelihood is you want to find out about their opinions and experiences. So you’re probably going to use qualitative market research methods to deliver the results you want.

Focus groups are one of the most frequently used qualitative research methods, and it’s an area where we are highly experienced. Online focus groups have become normalised since the pandemic, and we recruit participants, design questionnaires and facilitate sessions. Find out more about online focus groups here.

Interviews, workshops and stakeholder events are other types of qualitative research events used to elicit valuable in-depth engagement from participants who have specialist knowledge in certain areas.


Work with Acumen

We have a dedicated B2B and Social Research team, with more than 15 years collective experience in recruitment and fieldwork. 

They offer unparalleled B2B research expertise, which starts from the moment of your first enquiry. You’ll receive regular updates during your project, to keep you up-to-date with every stage.

Acumen’s B2B and Social Research department was created in response to the growing demand for research with individuals not targeted by traditional market research projects in the past.

Brands, marketing and business exist in an ever-changing world. As leaders in market research, we recognise the need to keep one step ahead of trends for information and insight.

Our well established social media presence helps us identify and find groups and individuals of high value to businesses seeking insights about trends, new products or factors in decision making.


Get in touch

We hope this guide has answered your questions about B2B market research. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more. We’d love to provide your B2B market research and deliver the information, analysis and insights your business needs to succeed.

Ring Charlotte Ashall on 0161 234 9940 or email costings@acumenfieldwork.com. Or use our web form below.