Quantitative marketing research services

Acumen is an award-winning market research company that has all the quantitative research services you need to make your venture a success.

So, whether you’re bringing a new product or service to market, are looking for data insights to increase your market share, or you work for a research agency that needs specialist support, we have the research approach you need.



Why work with Acumen?

We’ve got years’ of experience, international reach, and exceptional in-depth fieldwork know-how. Acumen offers a range of quantitative research services to gather data you’re after, including online surveys, user testing, interviews, hall tests and more.

We work with large and small organisations, and approach every project with the same care and attention. We can deliver insights to drive business decisions on a particular product or complex issues. We have the capability and flexibility for any research projects.

So if you are seeking primary research and quantitative data for your target market and would like to speak to us about the services we offer, Get in touch with our team today – CLICK HERE.


What is quantitative market research?

Quantitative research is all about capturing numbers or data that can be quantified to provide insights. Many times, quantitative questions are yes or no ones, or ones where experiences are ranked on a scale of numbers.

’Fifty percent of respondents are happy with their customer experience with your brand’ is an example of quantitative market research data gathered by quantitative questions.

It is usually statistical data and numerical from a large sample, and can be used to understand the movement and changes, ups and downs in customer behaviour and market trends.


What is qualitative research?

Qualitative data qualifies what the respondents feel about a product or issue. Why are they buying a new product? What would need to happen for them to keep yours?

These sorts of qualitative research questions are better asked face to face to smaller groups where you know the respondent is within your target market and knows your brand.

Focus groups are a prime example of qualitative research, where people can share their views on brands or social topics. Face to face interviews and telephone interviews are other good examples of qualitative research data collection. Case studies may also be used to provide quantitative market research companies with insights about a customer base or market.


Qualitative and quantitative methods

Some research methods like user testing or telephone surveys may gather both quantitative and qualitative data in one session.

Others like online surveys and focus groups sit firmly in one camp or the other.

Quick online surveys that pop up while you’re using a website, with one or two yes-or-no questions, are a prime example of quantitative research data collection.

Focus groups, which let people not only share their opinions with an interview directly, but also develop their thoughts and opinions within the focus group, are a classic example of a qualitative research method.


Quantitative research by Acumen

Our award-winning market research agency has a reputation for lateral thinking and problem solving that seeks to answer the questions at the heart of your research brief to provide deeper understanding and meaningful insights.

We are quick to adopt new methods and new tools for research, and pride ourself on the quality of the analysis and insights that we provide. We have our own exclusive method of screening for the best research participants, called Acumonitor.

We specialise in fieldwork and recruitment and have industry awards nominations and for our research, including face-to-face data collection. Take a look at our list of clients, here.

We provide a tailored, full service approach that begins from our earliest conversations and continues with your own dedicated project manager who will keep you updated throughout the research process.

Call our in house team on 0161 234 9440 or use our Contact Form to discuss your requirements for quantitative market research.


Online surveys and other quant research methods

We offer a full set of quantitative market research services and are highly skilled and experienced in all research methodologies.

Here are the main quantitative market research services we offer directly to organisations in search of fresh and highly relevant market data, and to other research agencies:

  • Online and computer assisted telephone interviewing
  • Online surveys
  • On street and in store interviews
  • Exit Interviews
  • Hall Tests and Taste Tests
  • User Testing 
  • Product Placement and In-Home user testing
  • Mystery Shopping

Data collection is something we are highly skilled at, not just for quantitative market research but also for qualitative research too. This includes face to face interviews, focus groups and other methods of primary data collection in person or via surveys.

But fieldwork, recruitment of participants and data collection, including survey design and other ways of collecting data, are not the full story.

Data integrity is also important, as are the insights that are drawn from the data once it’s collected. Let’s look at that a bit more closely.


Analysing quantitative research data

In addition to collecting reliable data, part of any quantitative market research service is analysing the data to provide insight and deeper understanding of the product or market.

Do the figures contain robust data about people’s behaviour, tastes and habits? And how can that be used to influence your product, marketing plans, even your organisation’s future?

Does that statistical data identify opportunities, and should you make business decisions based on trends that show up there?

Part of Acumen’s success is because of the way our quantitative market research team works. We do all of our quantitative market research in house. Our fieldworkers sit alongside our data team, to ensure each project receives the full attention it deserves.

This close collaboration across disciplines allows us to deliver meaningful insights throughout the project, regardless of your budget or timescale. So whether it’s pricing research, consumer behaviour or customer satisfaction that you’re looking at more closely, we’ll deliver actionable insights for you and your organisation.


How our Quantitative Research Team works

When you use our quantiative research services, our team will work as your consultative partners, discussing your brief and then designing all elements of your quantitative research. We have consistently delivered excellent results for our clients.

We’ll create all documentation to support clients’ research projects, and we offer full survey design and scripting.

We have capacity to manage quotas in real time and supply regular updates from the fieldwork team.


Delivering the data

After the fieldwork is undertaken, the data analysis is completed by our in-house team and delivered in an easy-to-read format. Ten percent of all data collected is verified, and we also use our bespoke Acumonitor system to ensure participants match the exact criteria for the project. 

Click here to meet our expert team of quantitative fieldworkers and data analysts. We are specialists in market research management.


Work with us

Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss any of the services discussed on this page. We offer fieldwork in the UK and international markets. Take a look at our case studies to explore the work we’ve done for our clients and the impact in different market sectors – click here.

We’re happy to discuss your quantitative market research project with you and will provide transparent and practical advice on your project.

Please call us on 0161 234 9440 or use our Contact Form to discuss your requirements for quantitative market research.