Five Tips for Hall Test Success!

24th September 2019

Matt Barker recently joined Acumen's Quantitative market reseach fieldwork team, after working in both Qualitative Recruitment and Fieldwork. Here he puts together his thoughts on the 5 things that made his recent Hall Test a success.

Location, Location, Location
The right location is key to a successful hall test. It’s worth thinking about what location is going to ensure you are getting your target completes. At Acumen we take various things in to account when deciding upon a location. Are you looking to speak to city slickers about a new snack smoothie targeted to lunch time shoppers? Or is your sample more of a suburban, family type? Ensure you are considering who you are wanting to talk to when picking a venue.

Dream Team
As with any winning team, you need the right players. It is important each and every member knows their role in the data collection process, as well as having an understanding of your research aims. Doing so will steer your players to make decisions that benefit your research, not hinder it.

Sensible Questionnaire
The importance of a sensible questionnaire is paramount; it must meet your research objectives firstly whilst being designed in a way to avoid leading questions, unnecessary repetition of details whilst ensuring you’re eliciting the right level of detail for your research. Balancing these demands can be a high-wire act but if done correctly, it creates a solid foundation to build your project on.

Having run hall tests in one shape or form since Acumen’s formation, 10+ years ago, we know about setting the right price to get the completes we need. Incentives vary from project to project, and considerations include the length of time it takes a participant to complete the test, in addition to the research subject the level of detail needed. Generally, we follow the MRS Guidance that anything upward of 5 minutes should be incentivised. As with everything in life - time is money!

Good Communications
Without proper lines of communication, valuable data can be lost in the process of a participant coming through the door, to them leaving. A key to a successful Hall Test is a clear briefing before fieldwork begins, timely updates throughout and ensuring everyone involved knows that there is no such thing as a silly question.

With all these things in mind you can be sure that your Hall Test runs smoothly from start to finish. For more information on getting your fieldwork off to a flying start speak to Acumen on 0161 234 9940 or email

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